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New Request Order Form

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Today's Date: 02/15/25 Rush      
Date Needed By:
Firm Name: Opposing Counsel
Attorney Name: Firm:
Address: Address:
Phone Number: Phone Number:
Fax Number: Fax Number:
Contact Person:  
Firm File Number:  
Ordering Firm Represents:  
PLTF / PET Ordered By:  
vs. Send Invoice To:  
DEFT / RES Carrier Name:
Adjuster Name:
Court: Address:
Case Number:  
Phone Number:
Claim File Number:
Records On:
Also Known As:
Date of Birth:           From:   To:
Date of Loss:

Number of Sets:

Locations: Name Address Phone Number

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Subpoenaed Records

Please provide the following:
1. Your Firm Information
2. Full case name and number
3. Opposing Counsel / Pro Per information
4. Who your firm represents
5. Who BABS Docucopy is to invoice
6. The Name, DOB and SSN of the person for whom you are seeking the records
7. The type of records you are seeking (medical, employment, bank records, etc.)
8. In what format you would like the records produced (CD, Electronic, Hard Copies)
9. Name, Address, and Phone Number for all locations where the records are held.

Please submit separate request forms for each individual.
**BABS Docucopy will verify all addresses before going out for service.**


Please provide the following:
1. Your Firm Information
2. Who BABS Docucopy is to invoice
3. The Name, DOB and SSN of the person for whom you are seeking the records.
4. The type of records you are seeking (medical, employment, bank records, etc.)
5. In what format you would like the records produced (CD, Electronic, Hard Copies)
6. Name, Address, and Phone Number for all locations where the records are held.
7. Completed HIPPA compliant Authorization Release form (Form will be completed online).

How to Pay BABS Docucopy

** Payment does not occur online.** When you submit the form below you will be emailed a completed Adobe Acrobat.pdf. Once we receive the identical order pdf, we will contact you to confirm your order request.

  • New Clients (first time users) must provide a Master Card or Visa to secure payment. Please dowload the Authorization to Charge Credit Card form and fax or email it to For Billing Inquiries and our Fee Schedule, please call us directly at 619-293-0806.

  • Existing Clients (established users) will be invoiced upon completion of each individual request. If you choose to pay by Master Card or Visa please submit the Authorization to Charge Credit Card form (download form).
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